Friday, April 8, 2011

Readers: I Need Your Help!

One of my daily website visits, outside of the personal finance blogging world to Apartment Therapy.  I love getting a glimpse into other people's homes for design ideas and inspiration.

Each year Apartment Therapy runs a contest called Small Cool Spaces.  Since I've really made my new condo to my taste, I thought 'why not enter'?  I recieved an email this morning from the editors saying that I made it into the contest!!

I need your votes!!!

Voting runs until May 1st and once logged into the site you can vote until the 1st.  Since my condo just got posted today I'm a bit behind my competitors in voting, so your help is appreciated!

Thanks for your vote!


  1. Good luck with the contest! I hope that your condo wins something.

  2. Good luck with the contest..I love your apartment!
