Wednesday, December 29, 2010

January 2011 Budget

I've sat down with my calculator in hand and come up with my January 2011.

Here's what it looks like:

Jan. 1 - 15Jan. 15 - 31
Full time job $                  1,536.34  $           1,536.34
Mystery Shopping                                  -  
Additional Income                                  -  
Total Income $                  1,536.34  $           1,536.34
Fixed Costs
Rent  $                      435.00  $              435.00
GoodLife Fitness                           66.68                     33.34
TTC Pass                           55.50                     55.50
Rogers Communications                           60.00                     60.00
Total Fixed Costs $                      617.18  $              583.84
Semi Variable Costs
Food $                      140.00  $              140.00
RRSP                         375.00                  375.00
 E Fund                         325.00                  325.00
Savings (Travel Fund)
Gifts                           25.00                     37.50
Entertainment                           25.00                     25.00
Other                           25.00                     50.00
Total Semi Variable Costs $                      915.00  $              952.50
Total Expenses $                  1,532.18  $           1,536.34
Difference $                          4.16  $                       -  

I know that I have a few new upcoming purchases - the portion of meds that my insurance won't cover (10%), and I'd like to save up to join a running program in the spring, so I've factored those amounts into my budget.

Today I'm working on my 2011 goals and then spending time with friends at a movie (I have a free movie coupon - yey) and coffee house afterwards to catch up on what we didn't talk about yesterday.


  1. You have really broken your spending down to the penny. What about the clothing allocation space, do you plan not to spend any amount on clothing?
    Great if you can do it. I received over $100.00 in Value Village gift certificates so I'm probably set for the year.
    The running program sounds like a great idea.
    All the best in the New Year.

  2. I'm not planning on buying any clothing/accessories until the Spring - Boxing Day I spent about $250 on various pieces. In the new year I'm planning on doing an inventory of everything I own.

    I have a walk in closet plus two dressers of clothing, so I know that I don't need a thing!
